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So Why use our platform? | Some employer quotes

So Why use our platform? | Some employer quotes

Sure, we can tell you about ourselves and the fact that we have a platform that allows you to advertise and then manage each application including drag and group candidates as part of your candidate selection process. Yes, you read this right - all of the above is included in the price.

Here are some quotes from very large Fijian employers:

"We have good responses from MJF. This generation is online focussed not on newspaper advertisements"

"We find it very easy to advertise and get a good pool of candidates"

"Wish we knew about this online advertising platform before"

"Before we came to you it was a struggle to attract people"

"A very fast and user friendly portal"

The above are some statements by employers - we didn't ask for them - it's what they told us. They could be your friends but  hopefully not your competitors

1. Be the change you want to see in others

We go around telling others they need to innovate and be ready for the 21st century. What about you?

2. First rule of good advertising : Reach

  • Of course, you have to do your own research  but here's another fact - 70% of Fiji's population is under 40.
  • Outside of your own workplace how many people under 40 do you see reading newspapers or be able to access them when they sell out? If they do how many read news online vs. paper based?

So you have a webpage with your jobs advertised there? Great. However, if fewer people visit your pages then fewer people see your advertisements. Ask your IT team to give you an idea of how many visits your corporate page gets. Then ask them how many people visit your careers page.

Just because you are online doesn't mean you are seen. Imagine an advertisement that is put in front of a shop in Taveuni now imagine the same advertisement put in front of a shop in Cumming St, Suva - which location will get you more eyeballs? If you have a website that is hardly visited it doesn't mean that you are likely to attract the right candidates. The good news is that Myjobs can send a link back to your job advertisement on your webpage - it's like putting your advertisement  in not only Cumming St but Vitogo Parade and every other street in FIji.

3. MyjobsFiji reaches over 30,000 people daily / Your advertisement stays visible for up to 30 days

At we get over 4,000 unique visits on our site every day.  Oh, we also send out also over 25,000 email alerts to jobseekers - daily and are on Social media (Linkedin, Facebook).  What happens  to your newspaper advertisement - is it the next day's roti parcel?

At a time when the 'right candidate' is the difference between failure and success why take a chance and stick to what you know and repeat the insanity cycle ' keep repeating and expecting a different result'? Give us a go and if you don't like it go back to what you are doing currently. 

Contact us today on . Check our pricing page too.