Fiji’s natural and cultural heritage is valued and protected for future generations.
Heritage Stewardship – looking after the places in our care, for today, tomorrow and beyond.
Conserve, Research and Protect – apply principles of best practice in conservation, research and protection for our sites and places. Address the threats and the challenges of this century, including climate change, by working with people and partners for better solutions.
Places for Peoples Enjoyment – work hard to provide inspiring and challenging visitor experiences at NTF sites and places.
(b) the protection and augmentation of the amenities of any such land or buildings and their surroundings and to preserve their natural aspect and features;
(c) to protect animal and plant life; and
(d) to provide for the access to and enjoyment by the public of such lands, buildings and chattels.
The National Trust was founded in England in 1895 by three extraordinary leaders: Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Hardwick Rawnsley who were united by a belief that beautiful, natural and historic places were worth protecting for future generations. 125 years later, the National Trust has more than 500 historic places and 250,000 hectares of natural heritage under its care.
The mission of the National Trust extended beyond the boundaries of the United Kingdom to other countries and in 1970, the National Trust for Fiji was enacted through an act of parliament, the National Trust for Fiji Act (Cap 265), to provide for the protection of Fiji’s natural, cultural and national heritage. Today the National Trust of Fiji manages 8 properties across the country.
The National Trust global family is united through the International National Trusts Organisation (INTO) in their concern for the world’s heritage. National Trusts around the world care for places communities identify as special, protecting them, connecting people to their heritage, involving communities in their past – and their present – through caring for and about those places. There are over 70 member organisations of INTO
National Trust of Fiji
PO Box 2089
Government Buildings,
Fiji Islands
Phone: (679) 3301807
Fax: (679) 3305092