Rainbow Cool Tech (Fiji)Pte Ltd

Rainbow Cool Tech (Fiji) Pte Ltd
is an Air-conditioning, Refrigeration & Electrical Company registered in 2007 with the office of the Registrar at the Fiji Island Revenue and Customs Authority. Rainbow Cool Tech (Fiji) Pte Ltd is wholly owned by the Directors (of the Company) who are Fiji Citizens and are actively engaged in the day to day operations of the Company. The Company is a hi-tech company that caters for all commercial, industrial and domestic air-conditioning and Refrigeration works in the forefront of new advancements, equipment’s and technology as we are currently expanding our business. Our projects include a range of Refrigeration & air conditioning mechanical works including Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Ventilation, service and maintenance, Sheet metal works, Stainless Steel works, Plumbing, and Automation & Controls. We also specialise in either the construction or building of cool rooms and freezer rooms. The company is also widely renowned for providing a credibly sound and affordable service to numerous companies and organisations throughout the nation of Fiji.Rainbow Cool Tech (Fiji) Pte Ltd is specialising in all aspects of Domestic, commercial and industrial refrigeration. We design and install refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and provide maintenance and service contracts to suit our client’s requirements.