TRANSCEND OCEANIA is a not for profit non-governmental organisation, registered under the Fiji Charitable Trust Act – Registration number 1000.

People living JustPeace and Non-Violence in Oceania

Transcend Oceania by advancing Sustainable Peace and Development through Justice and Non-violence.

Key Skills:
Facilitation, Mediation, Negotiation, Dialogue, Conflict Analysis, Counselling and Trauma Healing, Male Advocacy for Gender Equality, Education and Training, Reconciliation, Social Research

Theory of Change:
Transcend Oceania firmly believes that the ultimate goal for change in peacebuilding is transcendence – the attainment of a higher sense of self through transformation that influences individuals, relationships, cultures and structures. It is grounded in non-violent approaches to relating with others and the environment creating just, peaceful, inclusive, participatory, sustainable and resilient communities. This is enabled through training and education, Peace process facilitation and healing, justice and development initiatives and research that builds on local knowledge systems, skills and approaches of Oceania and recognizes other effective ways to building justpeace communities.