The digitalFIJI is the Fijian Government’s DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME. This programme is also known as the Digital Government Transformation (DGT) Programme.

digitalFIJI is a 4-year programme to implement a number of government applications, enhance the overall ICT infrastructure and build and develop capacity in digital transformation in the government. The DIGITAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME is in line with the Fijian Government’s 5 year and 20-year National Development Plan (NDP) which calls for the steady improvement of the quality and accessibility of government services. 

digitalFIJI is managed through a Programme Management Office (PMO) that leads the Fijian Government’s efforts to make more and better online services available to the Fijian people, establish the necessary governance structure for the digital transformation and ensure the long-term and sustainable impact of the digital transformation programme for every Fijian.